Collection: Nest Material Dispenser

We have a range of Nest Material Dispensers that can be filled with a range of materials for birds to take and use in their nests.  Its another way of attracting birds to your garden, especially if you are not able to put food out for the birds.

For more information on what to put in the dispenser and where to site it please see our Information page titled Nest Material

Please Note our stock turns over very quickly and at times because we are at shows we are unable to update the stock online.  If you are unable to see what you see looking for or it says sold out, please contact us and we can send you pictures and prices.

2 products
  • Ceramic Sheep Nest Material Dispenser
    Ceramic Sheep Nest Material Dispenser
    Regular price
    Sale price
  • Nest Material Dispenser
    Nest Material Dispenser
    Regular price
    Sale price