We have researched this Small Edwardian Copper Kettle and then write the results on the back. The back reads.
" Edward Vll Copper kettle, the patina & style of manufacture would date it to the turn of the century (early 1900's). Most likely made in Birmingham."
It is mounted on oak and sanded to show off the grain, we have not stained or varnished the timber as we believe the timber will look better as it weathers. However, if you wish to add a coat of varnish you can but the smell may put the birds off for a few days until the smell is gone. We have mounted the lid pointing upwards, and can also be filled with bird food.
This Small Edwardian Copper Kettle is an ideal shape for a bird feeder, or planter.
We have inlaid Edward Vll penny relevant to the age of the kettle on the back timber below the kettle, and above the lid.
As well as making an excellent bird feeder or planter it will make a unique stunning feature / talking point for your garden.
The jug is 19cm high including the handle, 13cm wide and back to spout 19cm. Mounted the max length is 43cm, max width 15cm and max hight 23cm.
This Small Edwardian Copper Kettle bird feeder \ planter is £60 + £6.36 postage which will be added at checkout. How ever if you are local to the York area, or able to collect from one of the shows / markets we are attending in November or December message us before you buy as we maybe able to avoid the postage.
Should we be sold out of this Small Edwardian Copper Kettle please be aware that we have lots of copper and pewter kettles and teapots in stock that we do not put on the website as they tend to sell quickly at shows. Check our list of shows and markets we will be doing and pop along and see our full range.
For further information see Copper and Pewter Information Sheet.