This nest box is specifically designed for the Greater Spotted Wood Pecker, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Green Woodpecker.
This box is made from oak an is a substantial box that is both durable and also able to withstand drumming, an should last many years.
For the best chance of attracting a woodpecker, it needs to be secured to a mature tree at a height of between 2.5m and 3.5m. There are two options for securing the box depending on the size of the tree, the first is via the battens attached to the back of the box through which screws can be put, or more preferably by passing wire or straps (not supplied) through the 4 metal loop attache to the box. Please note if using this method it is advisable wrap hessian or similar material around the tree to avoid damaging the tree. It is supplied with a small bag of wood shavings to be put inside the box.
The cost of the box is £70 plus the cost of postage £10 (its heavy). Postage is added at checkout.